Provide information - report violation

Our compliance philosophy

For sustainable and fair corporate governance, SECO lives a comprehensively designed compliance philosophy. We ensure legally and organizationally that our company reliably complies with all laws, standards and internal rules of conduct that affect us. Our principles we have summarized in our Compliance Management Manual. We also follow the recommendations of the ZVEI Code of Conduct, which has constitutional status within SECO. Thus, all entrepreneurial activities are aligned with it.

We attach particular importance to a long-term corporate strategy, employee-oriented management, constantly work on the further development of our technology and pay attention to the protection of our environment. We practice the principles of a prudent businessman, clean business practices, fair competition and have clear rules against corruption and bribery. Adherence to these compliance principles is ensured by a specially established compliance staff unit, as well as an internal control system and annual training for all employees.

At SECO, human rights and the health of our employees are among our top priorities. We respect data protection and keep personal data locked. Extensive personal protective equipment is available to our colleagues in their daily work. Our production facilities are equipped with modern exhaust air systems and we conduct regular health and safety training. It goes without saying that our company has a zero tolerance policy towards physical, psychological, sexual, verbal harassment and abuse, as well as the right to freedom of association, assembly and expression.


Our whistleblower system – provide information

In order to meet this requirement, SECO has established a whistleblower system. Employees, business partners and third parties can use this system to report irregular behavior at any time. Please report information by e-mail to, by telephone to our head office on +499561/869-141 or by letter.

Of course, external electronic reporting via the Federal Office of Justice is also possible.

Any information received is treated confidentially. Every report is documented in the internal system and processed reliably according to a predefined procedure. The whistleblower does not have to expect any reprisals or disadvantages in their future working life. Personal data collected as part of a report will only be used for processing the compliance case.